About Us

JimmySoft LLC is a small company that writes software for the do it yourself market.

We started work on EmbroideryWare in late 2015.  It was originally called "HandStitch" to simulate hand stitching and was offered for free on various sites.


In early 2016 we launched our web page EmbroideryWareSoftware.com and started offering the program as a free download.  At that time it was renamed EmbroideryWare.  This early version of EmbroideryWare had most of the basic functionality of an embroidery digitizing program, running stitches, satins and fills but need some work to become commercially viable.

Throughout the spring of 2016 we added the missing components and went commercial on June 22nd 2016.

The first years sales were slow and did not pickup until we started our facebook group.

The facebook group was the best move we did as a company.  It created a place where users could share ideas and learn about the program.  It also gave us the needed feedback on how to improve the program.

We have continued to use this feedback to improve the product and put out new releases about every month.

This process has slowed some since EmbroideryWare is now a mature product, but we continue to think of new things we can do.

We believe you will be totally delighted with the product.  Download the free trial today and take it for a spin.
