EmbroideryWare Journeys 2018

By | January 27, 2019

EmbroideryWare Journeys 2018

This post will be about last year’s EmbroideryWare journeys for both the program and users.  The story is similar to the anniversary post in 2017. I like telling users stories it makes developing this program a joy!

After two years in business EmbroideryWare has become an established product.  During its development new features have been added to allow users to make some beautiful things.  Last year’s highlights were, dynamic patterning and mirroring, puff end caps, envelope transformation and lettering, multiple motif fills, and new edge offset types.  Plus we have continued creating more lettering sets, now we have 81.  In the near future we will be releasing new lettering sets that with changeable fills.  These new sets will be a lot of fun.

Seasoned Pros Journeys

There are several users that have progressed far in their use of EmbroideryWare.  Below I have a few of their stories.

Lorry the explorer

Lorry is a customers you love to have because she discovers all the hidden treasures and techniques in the program.  I like to call her, the explorer, because she uncovers every secret of the program. Plus she comes up with new ways to use the program I have never thought of.  Also Lorry is a great teacher because she shares how to use the treasures she has discovered.

In her own words here is a recent lesson.

“What I enjoy so much about EW is the opportunity to explore possibilities. Jim released a new feature he called emboss not too long after I started. In the video he made, he suggested a very large number setting to get the satin circle you see here. I was curious about how the other 2 would look so I stitched them out. This was one of my first stitch outs and it is pretty big. The second is just an edgepattern, I did not add stitches to and some over one inch stitches are in this as well. Just a guess, but I suppose other programs wont let you do this?” – Lorry R.

Embosses in fills

Embosses in fills – Lorry R.

Very long stitch pattern

Very long stitch pattern – Lorry R.

Shirley the artist

Shirley is an artist that creates beautiful art in an embroidered form.  Using the free hand embroidery function she has created art in stitches.

In her own words she describes her recent masterpiece.

“Et Voila!! She stitched out perfectly. The only 3 digitising techniques used were free motion embroidery, tapered satins, and the red is all topstitches. I wanted it to look like a pencil sketch, and I’m so pleased with the finished result. She’s 4×7.80, and just under 10,000 stitches. 

Freehand art

Freehand art – Shirley J.

Shari the visual teacher

Shari creates beautiful embroidery and visually documents how to use the program.  Using image editing software she has compiled a number of visual tutorials on the facebook group.  This has helped users master EmbroideryWare.

In her own words she describes her recent lesson.

My gift will be making photos that teach this year! Maybe next year I can make something cooler like a stitch pattern!

Visual instructions

Visual instructions – Shari C.

Newbie Journeys

I love EmbroideryWare Newbies.  To them EmbroideryWare it’s like a new toy.  Soon they discover they can use this toy to make anything they want and become ecstatic and sometimes addicted!  Some get frustrated, but soon they find their way and make great things.  Below I have a few of their stories.

Ed the newbie

The first item Ed created was inspired by his granddaughter.  I think it is so cool when a user can create a replica of a loved ones art.  Ed is a software developer so he know his stuff.  He thinks EmbroideryWare is well executed.  I am thankful for the complement.

In his own words he describes his newbie experience with EmbroideryWare.

“Scanned image drawn by granddaughter and imported to Inkscape, ended up with file to import to EmbroideryWare… final stitch out not too shabby for my first try… had to spend a lot of time with 128 objects detailing stitch sequence… default had jumps skipping all over the place… BUT, I Couldn’t figure out how to change the START / STOP points for any given item… any help would be appreciated… lots to learn here… fun times… 👍 I’m a software developer, EmbroideryWare is a mature product/tool… Good job…” – Ed J.

Granddaughter's art in stitches

Granddaughter’s art in stitches – Ed J.

Debra the newbie

What impresses me about some newbies is they create something wonderful right out of the box.  They just seem to get the program right away.  This is encouraging to me.  Not all users get results this quickly but this one did.

In her own words she describes her newbie experience with EmbroideryWare.

“My very first digitized design in EmbroideryWare. Needs some work but I am very pleased with the results.” – Debra B.

First digitized design

First digitized design – Debra B.

Users becoming friends while using the program

I am really excited when EmbroiderWare can be the common thread to a newly formed relationship.  I am extremely happy to discover that this little piece of technology is creating human connections.  Lorry and Shari, also mentioned above, have connected over the past year by working together creating embroidered items.  During this time they have created some really neat stuff.  By bouncing ideas back and they have created an edge pattern that looks like hair.  This has resulted in creating this wonderful poodle embroidery done by Shari C.

Poodle embroidery – Shari C.

In closing

I could go on and on and fill volumes full with stories like these but would make this post too long.  So instead I will share just a few more examples with captions. Enjoy these wonderful things people have created last year.

Easter is on its way – Mark S.

Play ball

Play ball – Shelly D.

Polar bear

Polar bear, boy it’s cold outside – Micheal C.

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower, so much to love – MA IK

Boy’s height ruler, don’t grow too fast! – Gillian E.

Blue work

Blue work, I love this – Jaro Ď.

Rainbow bag

Rainbow bag, so colorful – Jeannie R.